About you.

Names, like appearances, are naught more than labels.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

there is no you

and my dying moment
lasts forever as well

it is my heaven
it is my hell

in realizing my-self
i came to know

that there was no more
for me to know

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Roaming outdoors in the nude is an experience I'd suggest to everyone capable. Just existing, bare, in the midst of all of that space and my quiet neighbors and those beasts busy calling out to their kind, and some greater presence (the nature of which I cannot yet fathom, one that I believe is ever-present though, outside of exceptional experiences, rarely sensed) - just being there allowed me to experience time at a whole new pace, either identical to or, at least, less far removed from that which is natural, relaxing, reassuring.

Note to self: Don't neglect to drop a fantastic post about Mike (directly following the puppy and proposition post).