is to forget that there is a proper way to do so, to forget that I am doing so. In forgetting, I become what I knew at conception, prior to my first thought. Knowledge gathered since - the substance of my cage, now my vestibule; the building of my prison, now my vessel; the awareness of my self as being separate from my awareness - my relinquishing being in order to possess.
So, one foot always descending, having already descended and in front of the other, upon a curb that does not exist, within the only moment I've ever known, led me to forget it all and to once again become it. I came here to describe what I am able to remember of it upon returning, upon becoming something - and, hence, becoming this something else. I'll continue to dive in and to return with the account I am able to convey, what description of eternity will fit through these finite mediums, language and my self - in this the vessel, the vestibule that is what you know me to be.