About you.

Names, like appearances, are naught more than labels.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

npwm, #3 #1

imagine would you
original sin was but
the first question thought

what has been named
was not and will never be
that which satisfies


  1. Perception, as I have called you once in the past that doesn't really exist even though it does.

    I once told you that I hoped for regret in intentionally losing my ability to contact you and lied to you by saying I would keep no record of the conversation. I did keep it and reflect on it often. I read it again recently and could no longer tell without looking at the "You:" and "Stranger:" labels who was talking. It was as though the ever-omnipresent oneness had increased, or my understanding of it had done so, or perhaps your influence was simply so great.

    And I am fully aware of the defiantly infinite impreciseness of the term "you" I keep using here.

    I don't know if you remember one word of this anonymous omegle-based conversation from two years ago. I get it now, though, in the same way that I don't and can't and must. It's in all of us, I'm sure of it.

    What I ask is a way to contact you, personally, because for some reason I can't explain I wish to do so. Perhaps shame in considering a single conversation so monumental. I certainly took the lesser position the entire time.

    I would also like to review this conversation I had with you more than two years ago and ask you if and what you would change if we had it now.

    And the last thing I will say in this post is my apology for its content being irrelevant to the poem to which it is attached. I don't understand it, actually, having only read it once, but the first stanza meshes with a thought I had begun thinking only earlier today. I only put this comment here because it is the only way I think you will see my words, and it happens to be the most recent thing you've posted. I'll hedge a bet that you'll understand.

  2. i remember you and our conversation well; i've reflected upon it often within the last two years as well, and it has remained one of few such singular experiences. within the last week, i've had a resurgence of spiritual energy (and i sense that your contacting me now is a bit of meaningful synchronicity); one result of this resurgence was my re-reading most of this web log, including my record of that conversation. thank you for leaving this comment, and you are most welcome to contact me; i'm edpoll83@gmail.com, and can be found on facebook at that email address.

    please accept your shame when it asserts itself, and that neither it nor its cause are "evil" or "wrong," and that it is unnecessary for you to feel it, and that you may soon come to relinquish it. there's no shortcoming in you as you are - there is only what you are, and what you'd rather be - if there's anything you'd rather be.

